Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Emma's House (Storybrooke)

This is mostly a placeholder post -- I’m sure there will be more to add as the season progresses. There has been a lot of speculation about the place, but we don’t know very much yet. The first thing we see of it is a turret.

It’s very large, for one person, old-fashioned, and asymmetrical. There is (whew) no sign of the former owners as statuary, and the interior is minimally furnished with comfortable-looking, mismatched pieces. It’s a bit bare, but certainly more homey than Rumple’s old place (although his SB house is of similar vintage), and stylistically has a lot more in common with the loft than with, say, Regina’s house.
What’s notably missing from view is Emma’s box of keepsakes. Nothing in the place is visibly connected to her old life (except the VW).


Dark Ones don’t sleep; do they need to eat? Do they indulge just for amusement? She’s got some books.

That lock says to me that something is being kept in, not out. This door leads down to the basement, to Excalibur in the stone, and to a strange barred-off area.
It looks awfully decorative to be a prison, but I suspect it connects to the tunnels under town.

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