Sunday, October 2, 2016

Granny's Diner/B&B

Original post title: Where Everybody Knows Your Name (originally posted 24 Feb 2015)

We come into the home stretch of the hiatus with one of the most forthright uses of place as symbol in OUaT, with the result that this one is going to be short. Granny's might just as well have been called The Community Diner. Scenes are generally set there to highlight issues that pertain to group belonging.

We see this as early as 1.04, when Regina sits down to tell Emma that, "People don't change, they only fool themselves into believing they do" and that Emma is the sort of person who will never put down roots. It is here that Emma meets Ashley, the first person besides Henry who involves her in Storybrooke affairs. In S2, Mary Margaret and David argue about whether to return "home" to the Enchanted Forest in the diner, not their own dwelling.

When there's a community celebration, it happens in Granny's. When someone's membership in the community is up for discussion - as with the debate over saving Regina at the end of S2 - the scene is in Granny's. When Emma is done kissing the bejeezus out of Hook at the end of S3, they rejoin the celebration in progress inside the diner.

Rumple and Belle have disastrous dates in Granny's, but they have disastrous dates everywhere.
There isn't a whole lot else to say about it. Under a cut are some reference shots of the B&B part.


It's not me, right? That looks like an apple core? I think the figurine on the right is carrying a basket.

Is that a red heart? Damn their love of Easter egging.
The continuity of the decor is kind of impressively horrifying.




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