King Midas' Curse
The curse, which turns anything he touches to gold, appears to reside in Midas' right hand -- his clothes don't turn to gold -- which has a goldish inner light and is normally covered with a presumably-enchanted glove (1.06). Frederick's condition upon having been turned to gold is also a cursed state (1.13); since Frederick is insensate and unconscious of returning Abigail's love, true love's kiss cannot break it.
Infertility Curse
King George slips Snow White a potion that carries a curse of infertility (2.03). The curse is broken by giving her some water from Lake Nostos, at the cost of letting Charming's mother die because apparently they forgot about the power of true love when they wrote this episode.
Regina later used this same potion on herself to foil Cora’s dynastic plans (4.20).
Sleeping Curse
The sleeping curse appears to have originated with Maleficent (4.14). She first used it against Briar Rose; that curse was kiss-broken by Stefan, after which Maleficent took to using a weakened version of the curse as a sort of soporific drug. Either she gave Regina some of the potion, or Regina lifted it and used it to put Snow’s favorite horse to sleep “for 100 years.” Maleficent used the spindle applicator to put Princess Aurora under the curse. She since appears to have developed a shorter-term, area-effect sleep spell that can be used on populations as large as all of Storybrooke; that spell breaks naturally after time.
Maleficent later(1.02) traded the sleeping curse proper to Regina in exchange for the Dark Curse, which she kept, unused. Regina acquires a special apple (1.09), although whether the apple itself embodies the curse or only has qualities that make it an effective curse vehicle is not known. At Daniel's grave, Regina gives Snow the apple (1.21). "Your body will be your tomb, and you'll be in there with nothing but dreams formed of your own regrets." Snow takes a bite and falls. She appears dead, without breath. When Charming kisses Snow (1.01), the curse breaks with a pulse of pale light that passes outward across the forest, accompanied by a "whooshing" sound.
Regina turns the remnant of the apple into a turnover and gives it to Emma; Henry eats a bite of it and falls under the curse (1.21). He has no vital signs detectable to Storybrooke medicine. Emma kisses him, and he wakes (1.22), simultaneous with the breaking of the Dark Curse.
Philip kisses Aurora and wakes her from a sleeping curse placed on her by Maleficent (2.01). Pulse of light, whoosh.
People who have been under sleeping curses have recurrent nightmares of a burning room without doors or windows, part of the netherworld in which their souls are trapped while under the curse (2.06). Rumple describes it as "between life and death" (2.07). This is not mere dreaming but a kind of astral travel. The dreamers wake with real burns. Snow describes the netherworld as, "Lost, drifting in the dark, no one to talk to, nothing to do except think about the people that you've lost and how you're never going to see them again" (2.08).
Regina creates a new dose of sleeping curse in potion form and administers it to Charming via spindle (2.08). Since he's under the curse for the first time, he doesn't arrive in the burning room, but in a hall of endless mirrors outside it. People in the netherworld can speak, but cannot touch one another. Snow wakes him with True Love's Kiss, accompanied by the now-standard whoosh/light effect (2.09).
Regina prepares a sleeping curse to use on herself, preferring eternal sleep to life without Henry (3.13), but she changes her mind when challenged by Zelena.
Once you have been under a “proper” sleeping curse, you are immune to general-effect sleep spells such as Maleficent’s (4.16).
Zelena places Dorothy under a sleeping curse (5.18), which is broken by Ruby.
Belle places herself under a sleeping curse (5.18) in order to protect her baby from Hades.
Memory Curses
The extent of this effect appears to be whatever is convenient to the plot.
Season 1
Snow goes to Rumplestiltskin to ask for a potion to make her no longer love Charming. Rumple scoops up some lake water into a bottle; the water becomes cloudy. He adds a strand of her hair to it. The water turns blue. The potion, when consumed, makes Snow entirely forget the existence of Charming and all of their interactions. (1.10) She displays personality changes -- swatting at birds, being rude to the dwarves, and planning to kill Regina. "You've become angry, irritable, and downright mean." (1.16) According to Rumple, it "took away her love, left a big hole in her heart." Charming's attempt to break the spell by kissing Snow doesn't work, because she doesn't remember loving him. Once her feelings toward him warm, she kisses him and the kiss works (1.16).
Season 2
After the lifting of the Dark Curse, Sneezy is the first Storybrooke resident to fall victim to the effects of crossing the town line (2.02). His newly-restored Enchanted Forest memories are removed, leaving only those implanted by the curse.
Belle is threatened with being sent over the town line by her father (2.04) but rescued before she crosses it.
Rumple invents a potion that, when sprinkled on the object a person holds most dear, prevents them from suffering the effect of crossing the town line (2.11), his test subject being Smee's hat. He uses the rest of the potion on Baelfire's shawl.
When Hook shoots Belle, she falls over the line unprotected and loses her Enchanted Forest memories. Having been in an asylum during the curse, she has no Storybrooke self and is entirely amnesiac (2.11). Rumple's attempt to kiss her results in nothing but panic on her part; his experimental charm on the chipped teacup also fails to restore her memory (2.12). As revenge for Rumple's role in Cora's death, Regina gives Belle curse-style memories of being someone named Lacey (2.19). Even though "Lacey" becomes attached to Rumple, their connection is never sufficient for true love's kiss to restore her memories the way Charming did with Snow.
When Henry objects to the idea of destroying Storybrooke and killing everyone in it while the two of them flee to the Enchanted Forest, Regina opens her spellbook and removes his memory of the conversation (2.20).
The Blue Fairy comes up with an antidote to the town-line effect (2.22) and provides enough of it to restore both Sneezy and Belle's Enchanted Forest memories. The potion must be drunk from a vessel of significance to the imbiber (Sneezy's old dwarf mug, and the chipped teacup for Belle). The missing ingredient turned out to be a hair from Pinocchio's head.
Season 3
Regina concocts a potion to remove her memory of what she's found out about Emma soon after adopting Henry (3.09). It's not clear how she did this without magic in Storybrooke.
As part of nullifying Pan's Dark Curse, Emma and Henry lose their memories of Storybrooke, which will now have never existed. Regina provides both of them with false memories of having spent Henry's entire life together (3.11). Hook attempts to break this with a kiss (3.11), which doesn't work.
Emma's real memories are returned by a potion (3.12), which was sent to Hook by Neal, having originally been provided by Zelena so that Rumple would have his memories when they got to Storybrooke (3.19). Henry's memories are restored by contact with the storybook (3.19). Regina attempts to replicate this potion without success (3.13).
Zelena adds a forgetting potion to Snow's Dark Curse ingredients, which wipes out the memories of the past year from everyone who falls under that curse (3.19). Regina has flashbacks to her first meeting with Tinkerbell and the Man with the Lion Tattoo upon encountering Robin again (3.15). That aspect of the curse is broken when Regina kisses Henry (3.19).
Rumple drinks a forgetting potion so that he won't accidentally interfere with the timestream by knowing too much after the visit from Emma and Hook (3.22).
Season 4
Rock trolls (4.06, etc.) have innate powers of memory manipulation. Grand Pabbie removed the memories of Ingrid and Helga from the entire population of Arendelle, at Gerda's request. He retrieved Belle's repressed memory of her mother's death and gave it to her in the form of a stone: "Take this to the place where you lost your memory. Then brew a tea with the stone in the kettle. When you drink it, your memories will return." The stone was shattered and lost in the Snow Queen's attack.
Ingrid somehow learns the troll method of memory manipulation, and uses it to remove Elsa's memories of her while Elsa is trapped in the urn (4.08). She hopes that this will allow them a "fresh start" when they are reunited. She removes Emma's memories of their time together when Emma confronts her soon after arriving in Storybrooke (4.10).
Season 5
Everyone returns from Camelot with no memories of what happened there (except for Emma). These memories are later returned by her from the dreamcatchers in which she stored them.
Water from the River Lethe (near the Mills' estate in the EF) causes forgetfulness (5.19). This isn’t really a curse, as it can be broken by plain magic and not True Love. Possibly this is the same river used by Rumple for his more complex spell back in S1.
The Curse of the Empty-Hearted
Among Cora's effects is a curse that can cause someone to believe they are in love with the caster. It requires chimera's blood, viper's eye, and the heart of the person you hate the most. Like the Dark Curse, it is written on a small scroll. Regina destroys the curse without casting it (2.17).
Cursed Kiss
Zelena places a spell on Killian that will remove Emma's magic should their lips touch (3.17), the only ingredient we know of being an oath on the name of the one you love. When the requisite lip-meeting happens (3.20), there are at least two theories as to the sequence of events:
- The curse takes hold and Emma loses her power. She regains it when Zelena dies, but is psyching herself out until 3.22.
- The curse is dispelled by True Love's Kiss without taking hold, and Emma is psyching herself out the entire time until 3.22.
The Snow Queen (4.03) places a curse on Marian that slowly freezes her. If the curse reaches her heart, she will die. All of Regina's research (4.06) reveals that there is no magical cure other than True Love. Marian is freed from the curse (4.11) after Ingrid's death, but suffers a relapse and must leave Storybrooke and its magic.
Genie Curse
Per OUaTiW, a person can be cursed to become a genie if they steal water from the Well of Wonders. For attempting to evade a fated death, their fate becomes to serve the will of others. Genies are immortal and have some access to magic on their own account, as well as being able to grant wishes others make -- although the wishes always come with a price.
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