1.09 The blind witch's house is protected by magic. Regina cannot enter it, but children can.
1.17 Jefferson is beheaded by the Queen of Hearts and survives the experience with nothing worse than a scar.
2.01 Cora's time bubble over her chosen portion of the Enchanted Forest keeps everyone within in frozen for 28 years.

2.04 Rumple offers Smee youth, to "spin the clock back" and threatens to do the reverse if he doesn't come through. In 2.14 Rumple offers to age-reverse Neal to the time when they were first separated. In 2.21, Lacey asks if he can keep her young; he says that he can. In 3.07 one of the Darlings says that "Pan has kept us alive to do his bidding".
2.05 Regina has preserved Daniel's body from decay with a spell.
2.08 Cora sends a message to Snow via crow; she can understand its speech.
2.09 The spell Rumple places on the Storybrooke well to stop people coming through the portal produces an immediate local thunderstorm as a side effect. It appears to be a barrier of pure magical energy. When Regina undoes it, it seems that she personally absorbs the energy.
2.10 Cora makes the Jolly Roger invisible. 2.19 The Blue Fairy has made the bean field invisible.
2.10 Emma does a spell that captures and reads Pongo the dog's memories.

She uses a similar spell in 5.05 to read Merlin’s memories while he’s a tree, and appears to have many memories stored in them at that point.
2.10 Rumple does a protection spell using one of Regina's hairs. The spell renders Regina unable to do physical harm to Snow or Charming while in the Enchanted Forest. In 6.02 Regina places a similar spell on Count Edmond to prevent Rumple from interfering with her plan to have him kill Snow and Charming.
2.12 Regina has an illusory wall in her vault, which conceals what appears to be a fully-equipped hideout.
2.13 Hook lays a Queen of Hearts card on the ground; a crow caws out of shot, and Regina appears. (Perhaps she was watching through a mirror?)
2.15 Rumple has cast a protection spell over his shop in his absence; the Blue Fairy's wand is insufficient to break through.
2.19 Regina does a spell that lights up the tracks of the dwarves' truck, enabling her to backtrail them to the bean field.

3.02 Regina uses a locator spell on the map that Pan gives Emma. The map glows and floats off (directly through the Dark Jungle, naturally).
3.04 Rumple puts two Lost Boys to sleep.
3.05 Pan puts Henry to sleep.
3.06 Regina makes Ariel unable to speak.
3.08 Regina puts a camp full of Lost Boys to sleep.
3.08 Pan casts a protection spell that keeps out anyone who casts a shadow (so Rumple is able to penetrate it, as Pan wished).
3.08 Regina and Emma cause a lunar eclipse in Neverland. Without moon shadows, they finesse Pan's protection spell.
3.09 Regina places a preservation spell on Henry to keep him alive while Pan has his heart.
3.09 Pan switches bodies with Henry. This may have been an accidental effect, since he was midway through ripping out Henry's shadow when Pandora's Box opened.
3.11 Rumple uses the Black Fairy's wand to do a spell that puts Pan and Henry back in their usual bodies.
3.12 Regina's palace is surrounded by a protection spell originally set by Regina. As long as a fire burns in the courtyard, the spell remains (3.13).
3.13 Regina seals Robin's boots to the floor.
3.13 Zelena flies on a broomstick, presumably because she likes the effect.
3.15 Emma separates Neal from Rumplestiltskin.
3.16 Rumple uses some of Zelena's hair to confirm her identity (the bottle glows green).
3.17 Regina places a protection spell around Snow's apartment - not based on blood magic this time.
3.18 Regina performs a spell to contact a murdered person's spirit, in this case Cora (which opens up a massive potential can of supernatural worms). The spell requires the presence of both the murderer and the weapon used (3.18). Cora's spirit makes illusory changes in the house layout and briefly possesses Snow in order to pass on information about her abandonment of Zelena.
3.20 Regina and Emma place a protection spell around the hospital room where Snow is in labor. Zelena blows right through it.
3.20 Zelena knocks out the dwarves and merry men guarding the hospital with a wave of her hand, and chokes Belle.
3.20 Zelena banishes Glinda to the Enchanted Forest with what looks like a standard teleportation effect. No one else is able to travel between realms this way, so either they forgot that those are supposed to be separate worlds, or Zelena really is ridiculously powerful.
3.20 Rumple stabs Zelena with the cursed dagger; she turns into a ceramic statue, which shatters when he withdraws the blade.
3.21 Rumple rewrites a tape from the surveillance camera to hide his murder of Zelena.
3.21 Rumple casts a glamour spell on Emma and Hook, concealing (but not permanently changing) their appearance.
4.03 Rumple uses some of Marian's hair to trace the caster of the heart-freezing curse.
4.04 Rumple animates a broom that leads him and Hook to the Apprentice and later (4.11) to the portal to Arendelle in the mansion.
4.05 Ingrid creates an illusion of Anna out of... ice? Okay.
4.07 Emma uses a candle in a spell (found by Belle) that binds Ingrid and keeps her from using her powers, though it later appears that she's playing possum.
4.08 Rumple uses the remains of the destroyed Ice Queen Containment Urn to make a magic circle that can hold Ingrid captive in her lair for a time.
Ingrid's mirror (4.05, 4.06; see also: objects) is part of The Spell of Shattered Sight, according to Rumplestiltskin. Looking into the mirror brings one under a spell that causes one to believe the worst of one's loved ones. She uses this spell on Anna (4.08), turning her against Elsa. Once the ribbons are in place, she uses Emma and Elsa's power to cast the spell over all of Storybrooke (4.08). The intent of the curse is to bring out the darkness within everyone, causing them to destroy one another. Certainly everyone becomes very unpleasant, but before things can reach the point of bloodshed,
Ingrid reverses the spell, killing herself.
4.13 Maleficent is resurrected by gathering her ashes and adding the blood of the two people who wronged her most (Snow and Charming). (This may be a cheat on the writers' part -- Regina's original curse "preserved" her and was presumably responsible for her persistence in dust-mummy state after Emma killed her in S1. However, when the curse undid itself and took everyone back to the EF in S3, she ought to have been returned there with everyone else as either properly alive or properly dead. Instead, Snow's edition of the curse apparently brought her ashes right back to where they had been, under the library.)
4.14 Maleficent says that Cruella enchanted her car to be self-driving.
4.14 Rumplestilskin returns Pinocchio to his older, August form.
4.15 Regina manifests a swirl of dark smoke that allows her to briefly inhabit/ speak through Snow White.
4.15 Rumple uses a potion acquired from the fairies to return August to wooden form briefly; when he is human again, he retains the nose-growing lie detector of his old body.
4.15 Elsa somehow shrank the Jolly Roger and put it in a bottle. Okay.
4.16 Emma magics a fake storybook page into existence.
4.19 Maleficent puts a protection spell over Regina’s office. Specifically intended to keep Rumple from retrieving Belle’s heart, it doesn’t stop normal people, so Will sneaks in and gets it.
5.02 Percival’s sword is enchanted to kill Regina, and inflicts a wound that Regina herself can’t heal, although Emma (currently the Dark One) can.
5.05 The spell to turn someone into a tree or to free them from that state requires the Dark One’s dagger and a tear due to heartbreak.
5.07/8 To bind a person’s soul to a piece of Excalibur apparently requires only the metal itself, no other ingredients.
5.08 Emma uses a Dark Magic binding on Zelena.
5.16 Zelena puts a locator spell on Dorothy’s bike (no potion).
5.17 Regina and Emma force open the door to Hades’ elevator. Emma starts to use a spell to remove the names from the tombstones, but is distracted by a cyclone.
5.18 Hades having previously put an enchantment on Killian’s hook to allow him to write names on gravestones, Killian crosses Snow’s name off one and puts David’s on it, allowing Snow to escape the Underworld.
5.21 Zelena places a protection spell around the town hall.
6.02 Evil Regina uses a spell to "dampen" the magic of her good half, who can no longer summon fireballs.
6.02 Evil Regina uses ingredients from the vault to recreate the Dark Curse 1 spell, preventing people from leaving town.
6.03 Emma uses Ashley's shoe to track her, no locator spell needed.
6.04 Evil Regina puts a spell on Mary's cameo necklace, allowing her to follow it from a distance. Rumple puts a protection spell on the Jolly Roger, but only to prevent Hyde from entering or Belle from leaving.
6.08 A mirror can be enchanted to serve as a portal to the world behind the mirror, a sort of pocket dimension from which one can look out through any mirror but can not escape. This is where Sidney/the Genie used to live.
6.15 Gideon uses one of Emma's tears to create a spell that will keep Hook out of Storybrooke.
6.16 Gideon summons or creates a giant spider, which nearly kills Emma. Emma and Rumple's combined power are required to defeat it, upon which Emma stepped on it.
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