Entries are in alphabetical order.
The witch of DunBroch has a flask of ale that allows one to communicate with the dead (5.09, 5.12).
Ambrosia is the fruit of a singular Underworld tree; it alone can return a dead soul to the living world (5.20). The tree was cut down after the Orpheus business.
Charming's mother has an amulet that can predict the sex of one's first-born child by the direction in which it sways (2.03).
Anti-transformation powder (5.06) is just what it sounds like.
Dwarf axes can cut diamond, and the name of the bearer appears on them (1.14). They cannot cut the stone that contains Excalibur (5.03).
The giants' beanstalk (2.06) is enchanted to prevent intruders; Cora counterspelled a pair of leather wristlets to allow her and a companion to climb it. They glow briefly when fastened.
Blood from someone who has been to Hell and back can be used to summon Charon and cross to the Underworld, if you happen to have a portal to it handy (5.10/11).
"An arrow from this bow always finds its target" (Robin Hood, 2.19). Rumple takes the bow from Robin and later gives it to Snow (1.16) so she can kill Regina. Robin originally stole the bow from Zelena (4.17).
Regina in the form of Ursula gives Ariel a bracelet that allows her to have legs permanently, and that turns Snow into a mermaid (green smoke) (3.06). The bracelet can only be removed by someone other than the wearer. Regina later modifies it (it glows pink at the time) to allow Ariel to have legs whenever she wants to (3.07). Ursula steals a similar bracelet to get away from her father and live among humans (4.15).
Cora-disguised-as-Blue gives Snow a magical candle that can save a dying person's life, at the cost of killing someone else; hold it "over the heart of your sacrifice and whisper their name. And when the candle is lit, that person's life will be traded for your mother's" (2.15) The candle ends up in Gold's shop, and Snow uses it to kill Cora (2.16). Regina later uses it to summon her mother's spirit to learn more about her early life (3.18).
Invisible chalk can be used (2.16) to draw the boundary for a protection spell, which appears as a shimmering white light with a humming sound.
Rumple gives Belle instructions for placing a cloaking spell around Storybrooke (2.22), which when cast prevents any outsiders from entering (3.07).
The six-leafed clover native to Oz can be used to assume the different appearance (explaining why he looked different in 2.19, albeit sloppily -- surely he wasn’t wearing the pendent while Rumple was torturing him?). Zelena uses it to keep Marian’s form outside of Storybrooke (4.17). Per a tweet from TPTB, this appearance-altering extends to concealing any dark spots on Zelena’s heart when Regina removed it to stop the freezing curse (thinking she was Marian).
An enchanted compass (2.05, 2.06) can be used in combination with the portal opened by the remains of the wardrobe to navigate to Storybrooke.
Crimson Crown is a type of poisonous toadstool (5.03) that grows in the Forest of Eternal Night, and allows communication across magical barriers.
The Crimson Heart is a crystal (6.18) guarded by the Lion of Oz. Its power can lift curses, but it destroys the magic of anyone who holds it.
Jefferson brings Rumple a crystal ball (2.05). Neal uses this or one like it to locate Emma in Neverland (3.01). Rumple uses it to locate Snow during the trip to the past (3.21).
Rumple creates a crystal ball in the UW (5.14) using items from Pan’s shop. He looks for “his son,” which is how he learns that Belle is pregnant.
Cora gives Rumple a crystal globe (2.12) with which he locates Baelfire. A drop of blood infused into it will pinpoint the location of a person one seeks. The globe is later used to locate Henry (2.22). Regina later uses a variation on this spell with a paper map to find Henry (5.22, 23).
Peter Pan creates a leather cuff that prevents the wearer from doing any magic (3.11). It cannot be removed by the one wearing it by any normal means. The same cuff is used to restrain Zelena when she is captured (4.20). She cuts off her own hand to get rid of it (5.01). The cuff is later used on Emma and removed by Henry when she regains his trust. A similar cuff exists in the Underworld (presumably also created by Pan) and is used on Cora (5.19), Emma (5.19), and Zelena (5.20).
The Dark One is controlled by a dagger (5.01). See Excalibur.
Rumple’s shop includes a Dark One detector that looks like a snow globe (5.08 -- this object was seen on screen, but the function/explanation part was cut and only addressed in a commentary track released later; up to you whether it should be considered canon).
3.19 A door in Rumple's castle burst into flames when touched (or shot with an arrow).
3.19 A door at the edge of the Dark Forest leads to Glinda's retreat. It can only be entered by the pure of heart (no dice, Regina). On the other side is a land of eternal winter.
3.14 A particular sort of root will, if consumed, result in the generation of a magical doppelganger representing your deepest fears. The doppelganger will attack you, allowing you (in theory) to defeat your fear. It grows beneath white moss at the edge of Sherwood Forest, and has flecks of crystal within. When defeated, the doppelganger dissolves into dark mist full of sparks.
Dragon eggshells (4.18) can be used to keep one young, even in the LWM.
The Elixer of Wounded Hearts (4.17) can cure any physical or emotional ailment of the heart. Robin steals some from Zelena for Rumple, but gives it to Will Scarlet, who is still mourning his sister.
The wardrobe that takes Emma and Pinocchio to the LWM (1.01) is made of enchanted wood, which the Blue Fairy claims is proof against any curse. She says, "This is the last enchanted tree in the entire realm." (1.20 Minute 18) The original plan was to have (pregnant) Snow and Charming go to the LWM and raise Emma there. (minute 30) The Wardrobe appears on Earth, plus passengers, in the center of a tree (1.20). The remains of the wardrobe in the Enchanted Forest can be used to open a portal (2.03).
The Jolly Roger is also made from enchanted wood, which explains its ability to withstand the stresses of interrealm travel (2.13). It is described as "the fastest ship in all the realms" (Rumple, 2.15). An entire ship made of the stuff suggests that enchanted wood was once much more common than it is in the present-day Enchanted Forest.
The Author’s quill is made of enchanted wood (4.17).
Excalibur destroys an unworthy person (Sir Kay) who attempts to draw it from the stone. The tip of the blade is missing, having been used to create the dagger that controls the Dark One (5.01). It appears to confer kingship (”I just need to take what I want, then I shall be the greatest king in all the realms”). Merlin originally forged it from the Holy Grail in order to sever his own magic and immortality, allowing him to live a mortal life (5.07). Nimue broke it into two pieces; one piece became the magic dagger used to control the Dark One. If reunited, the sword can destroy all Light or all Dark magic (5.05). As the Dark One, Hook used the full sword to summon all of the Darkness from all of the other gathered Dark Ones, then had Emma drive the sword through him with the intent of destroying the Darkness (5.11); Excalibur appeared to disintegrate in the process, although the dagger part was later proven to have survived.
The Eye of the Storm is a cursed sapphire sought by the king served by the Jones brothers (5.15); Hades gives it to Liam as inducement to take his deal and sink the ship.
The fairies bomb King George's troops with what is presumably "good" fairy dust, which sends them to sleep (1.22).
Snow uses "dark fairy dust" on the trolls; it transforms them into insects (1.03). So there are bad fairies, who have access to dust, and their nature influences the dust? In the revised timeline, she tries to use it on Regina, who blocks it; Snow then uses the dust on herself before being burned at the stake, transforming into a ladybug (3.22). The Blue Fairy changes her back to her usual form.
The Blue Fairy bombs Regina with fairy dust, which immobilizes her from the neck down with a blue light effect (2.10) in the flashback and attempts to do so again in the present but misses.
Dreamy/Grumpy gives Belle a bag of fairy dust to aid her on her adventure. Sprinkling it on the yaogaui breaks the curse on Philip. (Why do people always transform fully clothed? They're not using their cast to best advantage with that.)
3.16 The Wizard of Oz has a floor that functions as a sort of crystal ball, showing the viewer distant times and places, even in other realms.
The forget-me-knot (OUaTiW) is a magic rope that can show past events at a particular location. (Destroyed.)
Rumpstiltskin acquires a glove from Camelot that can be used to locate someone's greatest weakness, the thing they care for the most (4.11). Previous to Rumple nabbing it, Guinevere uses it to find the dagger (5.04).
The Hammer of Festus (6.08) is a magical hammer that can only be used by someone who does not themselves have magic. Evil Regina tried to get Henry to use it to crush the Dragon's heart.
Captain Nemo uses a harpoon tip (6.06) to locate "wayward souls" in need of a new home aboard the Nautilus. (The submarine is apparently not magical in nature.)
Jefferson's hat is used to travel across worlds (1.17). Destroyed.
The Sorcerer's hat (4.01) can imprison magic-users and in turn become a source of power sufficient to break the Curse of the Dark One (4.04). The hat is traditionally stored in a box that can be opened if one possess the tear of someone who has faced and defeated their inner darkness (Anna), and is defended by The Apprentice. The cursed dagger of the Dark One appears to play a role in opening the hat.
The hat is found (4.01) in a deserted mansion that appears in the second Storybrooke curse, and which Belle and Rumple appropriate for their honeymoon. Rumple uses the hat on the Apprentice (4.04). He sets a trap for Emma with it (4.08), but she is diverted from the trap by Elsa. Rumple forced Hook via heart control to use the hat on the fairies in Storybrooke (4.09). They were freed (along with the Chernabog) in a ritual discovered by Belle and performed by Regina (4.12). Those inside the hat appear to retain consciousness.
The witch of DunBroch supplied King Fergus with a magic helm (5.09) that would sustain his kingdom. Arthur sought it thinking that it would make armies follow a leader in battle.
The Holy Grail appears divine in origin (5.07). It destroys those who grasp it but are deemed unworthy. The Grail was melted down and forged into Excalibur by Merlin.

The waters of Lake Nostos can return "something that was lost" (1.13). The water breaks the curse on Frederick (1.13) and on Snow (2.03). The lake corresponds to the wishing well in Storybrooke, and appears to function as a magical conduit (1.22). After Charming kills the siren, the surface lake dries up, but the water remains underground. This water combines with the ashes of the wardrobe to generate a portal and restores the magic bean to useful health.
The lost and found is a magic compass given to Cyrus by his mother, Amara, to enable him to find his way back to her.
Pan gives Emma a map of Neverland, which will work only for her and remains blank until she accepts "who she really is," and thereafter updates in real time with Henry's location (3.02).
The Snow Queen/Ingrid assembles a mirror out of fragments of other mirrors, including one which had been used to hold Sidney Glass captive (4.05). The mirror is to be used in the Spell of Shattered Sight (4.06; see Other Curses). Once she has placed the ribbons on Elsa and Emma, Ingrid shatters the mirror and curses Storybrooke.
Belle’s family in the EF owns a Mirror of Souls; if someone looks into it with evil intent, their eyes glow red (5.17). The mirror is shattered by one of Gaston’s arrows.
Cora shrinks Anton down to human size (2.13). Included under "objects" b/c she presumably used Wonderland mushroom to do it, since she recently lived there. Jack has some of it as well. A related mushroom essence was used to restore the Jolly Roger to full size after being shrunk by Elsa (4.15).
The Olympian Crystal is an immensely powerful magic object, which Hades apparently stole from Zeus (?), who broke it when he cursed Hades’ heart (5.21). Hades repaired it upon his arrival in Storybrooke. It can destroy gods and destroy mortal souls (?), and was used to kill Robin Hood. A fragment of the crystal was taken by Rumplestiltskin and used to contain all of Storybrooke’s magic (5.22) in hopes that he could use it to wake Belle from her sleeping curse. This was later undone, and the remnant of the crystal evaporated (5.23).
Pandora's Box can be used to contain any single creature. It's a small metal box with a ruby on the lid and an alpha and omega symbol on the side. It works kind of like the Ghostbusters trap; wave your hand over the ruby, and your target is turned into a red mist and pulled inside. Rumple is trapped inside by Pan (3.08). He is released with more red mist, and Pan is sucked in, although it's actually Henry in Pan's body (3.09). The box is sealed beneath the floor of the shop briefly, but taken back out when the body swap is revealed (3.10). Rumple puts Belle (under the sleeping curse) in the box, which he acquired from Pan, in order to transport her out of the Underworld (5.20).
3.19 Each of the four witches of Oz bears a pendant, which is used as a focus for magical energy. If removed, the witch then loses her power. The pendent is clear when given; it will "harness, protect, and grow" her power to "accomplish untold miracles" (Glinda, 3.20) The pendent turns green when Zelena rededicates herself to wickedness. When removed, a green mist rises from Zelena, and she has no more power (3.20). When Zelena is killed, green mist rises from the pendant and searches out the site of the time portal she had begun, activating it.
5.02 Percival gives Regina a pendent that is a magical spying device, enabling him to hear and see from her perspective. He uses this to confirm his suspicion that she is the Evil Queen.
Pan has a set of pipes that play enchanting music; the music can only be heard by those who believe themselves to have been abandoned by their parents (3.04).
Pixie dust (3.01) allows you to fly, if you believe. Henry uses it to make himself and Pan fly in Neverland (3.01). "It's stronger, like nuclear fairy dust" (Charming, 3.03). It can locate "your perfect match, your happy ending"; Tink uses it to let Regina fly with her, and it leads them to The Man with the Lion Tattoo, later revealed as Robin Hood (3.03). It's made in the flowers that grow in the highest branches, closest to the stars (Malcolm, 3.08). Wendy gives Tinkerbell the last of what was grown in Neverland (3.09). She uses it to light the candle and to fly up and catch the Shadow (3.11).
Pixie flowers (6.17) grow where great evil has been, and they allow people who share true love to be reunited.
Rumple makes a True Love potion by combining Snow and Charming's hairs. (1.16) When he creates the Dark Curse, he places a drop of the True Love potion on the parchment. That's why Emma (their child) is the Savior (1.22). He pours the rest of the potion in the wishing well (1.22), which "restores what was lost" from Storybrooke - magic - accompanied by a wall of purple smoke, wind, and thunder much like the Dark Curse itself.
Rumple puts a few drops of a potion inside a vial on a necklace (2.07); it allows the wearer to control passage to and from the sleeping curse netherworld. This is notable as the only time Rumple offers a magic item free of charge. Henry later gives it to David, where it works much like the ring Rumple once enchanted; it helps him locate Snow in his own netherworld visit by glowing brighter as he nears her.
Rumple uses a potion to turn the Apprentice into a mouse (4.04).
Jafar uses a potion to impersonate Alice’s father, Edwin (OUaTiW).
A potion is used in 2.02 to locate Jefferson (by sprinkling it on his hat). The object it is used on will fly to its owner. I suspect that Rumple intends for the person following it to look ridiculous. A similar potion is used in 3.17 in an attempt to locate Eric using his cloak, but it only leads to the sea b/c he is in the EF. The same thing happens in 4.09 when a potion is used on Anna's necklace. This reinforces the fact that water serves as a route between all realms.
Hook uses a potion to render his hook able to remove a heart (5.01).
Belle mixes a potion that can turn someone into a bear (5.06). This is the favorite recipe of the witch of DunBroch, who threatens to use the potion on Medida’s entire kingdom (5.09).
Prometheus’ fire was kept burning in a remote altar (5.07). Merlin uses it to forge Excalibur. When Nimue became the Dark One, the fire went out, but she retained its ember. Emma retrieves the ember from her in Camelot. It can only be brought to flame when she decides to rid herself of the Darkness. She uses it to break the binding spell between Merlin and Excalibur in Camelot in order to tether Killian to the sword (5.08), and to rejoin the sword halves in Storybrooke.
The Blue Fairy enchants a quill to freeze Rumple when he signs the new contract (1.04) with Cinderella. (This is later retconned to be a naturally occurring effect of the magical-squid ink on the quill.) Rumplestiltskin's prison is presumably magical in nature, but there are no specifics provided as to how it was able to hold him (1.01, 1.04).
The Author uses a special quill to create storybooks (4.16). The quill is taken and his position revoked for abusing it before he is trapped in the book by the Apprentice. Such quills must be made of enchanted wood (4.17). Henry breaks the quill when he becomes the Author, believing that no one should have so much power (4.22). According to Cruella (5.13) the pen is a living being, and can therefore be found in the Underworld. He finds it in the Sorcerer’s house in the Underworld (5.15)
The three ribbons worn by Ingrid, Helga, and Gerda become magical objects due to their love for one another (4.07). The ribbons are surrendered to Rumplestiltskin in exchange for the magic urn. Rumple trades them back to Ingrid in exchange for the information he needs to break the dagger's control. Ingrid places them on Elsa and Anna, who cannot remove them, and uses their combined power to cast the Spell of Shattered Sight (4.08). Those ribbons are destroyed when Regina turns the force of her curse-amplified hatred against them (4.10).
It's unclear whether the ring Charming's mother Ruth gives him is magical to begin with (predicting or influencing true love) or only has sentimental value (1.06). Rumple enchants the ring to point the way to Snow, glowing brighter when she's closer (1.22).
Hook gives Emma a ring which once belonged to his brother, and which he believes has protected him during his long life (5.07). As with Ruth’s gift, it is not indicated whether it actually has magic.
Water from the River Lethe causes forgetfulness (5.19). Although properly in the Underworld, the river has tributary springs in the Enchanted Forest. (Possibly what Rumple used for the potion he gave to Snow?)
Water from the River of Lost Souls (6.07), if brought to the living world, will destroy any living creature it touches.
The Blue Fairy gives Belle an enchanted rose that will keep her advised about Rumple’s state of health at a distance (5.01).
Sand from the Isle of Avalon (5.04) can make what is broken appear to be whole - including marriages, trust between people, and entire kingdoms - and is quite possibly the most horrifying overpowered magic item they have ever come up with. Arthur uses it to “fix” his relationship with Guin after she threatens to leave him, to make his erstaz kingdom appear real, and to repair Snow and Charming’s trust in him. Merlin was able to free Snowing from the effects (5.05).
The Sands of Morpheus allow the user to enter another person's dream world (6.01).
Rumple gives Ariel a sand dollar that contains a hologram message for Belle (3.07). An identical method is used to convey Belle's ransom note from Maleficent (4.11)
A magical sapling will sometimes grow up where the first spark of True Love takes place (6.07). If the lovers touch the sapling, they experience mingled memories of their unfolding love.
Seashells have a number of uses. Blowing a conch summons Ursula (4.15). Her father Poseidon enchants a shell to take away her magical singing voice (4.15). Similar conch shells are used by Rumplestitskin (4.18) to imitate Henry’s voice after Cruella kidnaps him, causing the search party to split up. Hook gives Belle a conch (6.04), which she can use to communicate with him (and to stab Jekyll after it gets smashed). Also see Sand dollars.
Jekyll's serum (not a potion, as he will tell you) splits a personality along lines that are not entirely clear (6.04), but seems to do with the parts of yourself that you would prefer to be rid of.
The Shears of Destiny (6.05) are said (by Jafar) to have once belonged to the Fates. They have the power to sever a person from their destiny.
3.10 Pan knocks Regina out by opening a vial of sleeping gas in her vault.
Silver slippers belonging to the Wizard of Oz can be used to cross realms. Last seen in possession of Dorothy, who went back to Kansas with them.
Maleficent also has a spellbook (4.14) which Regina found among her mother’s possessions. Its contents remain unknown.
Amara and Jafar possess a number of spellbooks, particularly books of genie lore (OUaTiW).
Merlin’s spellbooks contain all kinds of alarming recipes for things like tying someone’s soul to a magical dagger and snuffing out all Light Magic (S5).
Bo Peep's staff is used to find and control her flock, both sheep and human. (4.02)
The Sorcerer’s house in Storybrooke contains a hidden room full of blank books. The version of that house that exists in the Underworld contains a storybook that includes Hades’ story with Zelena (among others).
See Storybooks and Authors.
Beowulf's sword Hrunting (6.13) is said to have been forged with Light Magic, apparently by the Blue Fairy. It can kill ogres and damage magical doppelgangers (such as the Evil Queen). It spent a long while in Rumple's possession, and was used by his son Gideon to attack Emma (S6). When charged with a dying Savior's magical power, it can cut through realities and reach the Black Fairy's realm (6.16).
When placed in a certain spot in the shop, the chipped teacup reveals a hidden storage place in the floor (3.07), which holds Pandora's Box. Rumple seals the box in there again (3.10).
Rumple has one of Regina's tears in a bottle (acquired from the blindfold placed on her before she was supposed to be executed). By adding one of Snow's, he creates a potion that, when dropped into Snow's eye, allows her to experience what Regina is experiencing (2.21). The box containing the Sorcerer’s Hat can only be opened using the tear or someone who has faced their inner darkness (4.04). The spell to turn someone into a tree (or to break it) uses a tear produced by fresh heartbreak.
The Tree of Wisdom, according to Maleficent: "A magical tree deep within the forest. The fairies call it the Tree of Wisdom. It will answer any question asked of it.... The tree's knowledge is protected. Its wisdom can only be unlocked by TWO of the most valiant heroes." It refused to answer Snow and Charming, however; Mal theorized that it was because Snow was pregnant and the baby's heroic status undetermined.
Neverland is full of magical trees. There is the Tree of Regret, aka Pan's thinking tree (S3), and another one that has magical sap that allows someone to cut off their shadow (6.17)
Ursula uses Poseidon’s trident to change her form and become a powerful witch, and Poseidon uses it to enchant the shell that takes away her voice. (4.15)
The Unquenchable Flame is a torch made from part of the Burning Bush, held by a skeletal hand (5.03).
A silver urn in Rumple's vault tips over and releases Elsa (3.22). The urn has writing on it in Futhark runes and can apparently contain one (1) ice/snow queen at a time, stored in liquid form. It appears to be an unpleasant experience (4.03). Elsa is placed in the urn by Anna (4.08) while Anna is under the Shattered Sight spell.

He believes that using it carries necessarily serious consequences - not for the user, but the person on whose behalf it is used. Robin Hood steals a wand from Rumple (2.19) and uses it to heal the sick Marian.
The Black Fairy is identified as "one of the most powerful fairies that ever existed. Well-versed in dark magic, the Blue Fairy exiled her, but before she did, she took her wand" (Tink, 3.11); Rumple uses the wand to restore Henry and Pan to their usual bodies.
3.21 Rumple has "a powerful wand" that can legendarily recreate any spell that has ever been cast. Only those who used the portal can reopen it; Emma uses it to get herself and Hook back to their own time (3.22).
4.16 The Apprentice also has a wand, which does not appear to be of fairy origin, being shorter and wooden. He uses it to trap the rogue Author in the book. In 5.01 he says he received it from Merlin upon becoming his Apprentice. “In it is all the light magic. In order to cross realms, it must be wielded as it was forged, with both sides of the coin, the light and the dark.” Regina proves unable to use the wand in 5.01, but Zelena can. As of 5.06 this wand is in Emma’s possession, though the implication of her conversation with Zelena is that she can’t use it herself. As of 5.11, Regina has the wand and sufficient self-confidence to make it work, sending Zelena back to Oz. Zelena got it back and used it to send the EF people home (5.21) before the portal went haywire and sent her, Charming, Snow, and Hook to the land of Untold Stories. The wand was broken but repaired by Dr Jekyll. As of 6.14 it was in the hands of Regina's doppelganger, who used it to send wish!Robin back to his own universe. Current whereabouts unknown.
During Regina’s childhood, Cora had a wand, which I don’t believe we’ve seen elsewhere (5.19). Current whereabouts unknown.
6.17 Tiger Lily has a partial wand that was once used to banish the Black Fairy. She sends it with Hook to Storybrooke for Emma to use in the Final Battle.
4.01 Elsa gives Anna a pendant to wear at her wedding, which their mother previously acquired from Blackbeard (4.09), and which is actually a wishing star. Such a star can only be used by someone pure of heart. The pendant is lost in the ice caves (4.02) but later found (4.09). It has magical properties in that Elsa utters a wish while holding it, which brings Anna and Kristoff to Storybrooke (4.09).
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