Magic Abilities

This covers basic uses of magic such as telekinesis, teleportation, pyrokinesis, and  plant manipulation -- everything that is not a curse and doesn't rely on an object.

These seem to be very basic forms of magic; we see Rumple training Regina in these techniques early on in her career, and Regina does the same with Emma. I could do an exhaustive catalog of every time anyone does these, but that it would be of limited use. I'm instead focusing more on the big picture.

People and objects are moved freely by magic-users. The most important information to be gotten from detailed note-taking is the color-coding of the smoke effects:
  • Cora - purple
  • Regina - blue/purple
  • Zelena - green
  • Pan - green
  • Glinda - white
  • Rumple - usually red or black, sometimes blue, often there is none at all
  • Emma - pre-Dark One has no smoke effect (and never teleports herself); as the Dark One, she does teleport herself and acquires a black-to-white smoke cloud. After the curse, she continues to have a mingled black and white smoke.
  • The Snow Queen - white
  • Maleficent - none
  • The Witch of DunBroch - aquamarine
  • Hook - red
  • Gideon - orange
The fact that there is almost always a smoke effect on a teleport is vexing. Does the smoke reflect a conscious choice of the magic-user, appealing to their own sense of the dramatic?

Bystanders and participants alike get dramatically thrown around during pretty much every confrontation with a magic-user, starting with Regina's entrance in the pilot and running through S5. Less often, objects are moved. There is usually no visual effect for this, although sometimes with objects there is an associated glow, which usually matches the teleportation colors.

The big exception is that if a person or creature is being magically restrained (rather than flung about) there is often a shimmering light effect; Regina's is blue, and Pan's is red. I think this is purely so the viewer knows that the restraint is in place.

On rare occasions this manifests as gusts of wind, and on one occasion Regina causes an actual earthquake.

Both Emma and Regina on occasion use a visible magical blast effect, which I am including under this category for lack of any better idea. Emma uses this to throw Cora away from her at Nostos, and Emma and Regina use their powers together when fighting the Ice Knight (4.05). Emma's magic is white; Regina's is red. In Camelot, Emma’s magic sometimes has a gold visual effect rather than a white.

I ship Regina/Fireballs. She loves those damn things. Cora is a fan as well, using them liberally at Nostos. On one occasion, mother and daughter join forces to create a mammoth flame ball, which penetrates a protection spell on the pawnshop.

The only time I'm aware of that Rumple has used one was at the town line, when he was about to incinerate Hook, and when he lit a fire to see his shadow in Neverland.

Emma until 4a confined herself to lighting candles, but in 4.08 produces literal fireworks once she has gained control of her power.

Being (apparently) half-dragon, Maleficent has an affinity for fire magic, appearing to literally inhale it (4.14) as well as breathing it out while in dragon form.

Lie Detector
This is the only presumably-magical ability in the show so far that suggests anything like telepathy, except for memory alteration. Since it has no associated visual effect, it's not always possible to be sure she's using it. This ability appears to be unique to Emma.

Emma knows Henry is lying about calling the cops (stated), and that Regina is lying about loving him (implied). (1.01)

Emma can tell that the Hansel and Gretel kids are lying to her. (1.09)

Emma uses it on Killian (2.05) while he's in disguise, and later to know that he's telling the truth about why he wants to get to Storybrooke.

Emma apparently senses that Hook is telling the truth (2.09) with his "actually no".

Emma believes Regina is telling the truth about not killing Archie (2.10).

If her lie detector trips while talking to "Greg," it's because she thinks he's engaged in normal CYA for having run somebody over (2.12).

Emma appears to sense something off when talking to "Owen" in Granny's diner (2.17).

Emma suspects Tamara is August's dangerous "she," and that she is lying about her intentions (2.20).

Emma uses her lie detector on Hook in the restaurant, though she doesn't trust the results (3.12).

Emma knows that Hook is not telling her the truth about his year in the EF (3.14).

Emma should be able to tell that Hook is lying when he tells her what Ariel is doing (3.17). That may be why she agrees to do as Regina suggests and look for them in the mirror, why she looks so surprised to actually find the happy couple, and why she chooses this moment to assert that she doesn't care about whatever it is he's hiding.

In 4.02, Rumple blatantly and repeatedly lies to Emma about his knowledge of Elsa, after being reminded on screen of this power. I have no idea what the writers are doing any more with regard to this -- whether it's supposed to be due to her fluctuating control over her abilities at this point, or if it's influenced by her readiness to believe the person, or...? By 4.14 she appears bewildered herself, as everyone in sight is lying most of the time.

Electrical Effects
On several early occasions electrical manifestations occurred near Emma:
  • Lights flickered on a game that was frustrating her (4.10).
  • A street light shorts out when she slams the car door upon arriving in Storybrooke (1.01).
  • The lights in the hospital room flicker while Emma has a contraction (3.01).
In 4.08, while her magic is out of control:
  • Lights glow
  • Electric appliances operate themselves
  • Her car radio produces static
In 4.19 when confronting Lily, a thunderstorm begins to form along with one of the car headlights shorting out.

In 5.01 when she appears in present-time Granny’s, lights short out behind her.

No other magic-users have shown anything similar.

Plant Control
This one has come up less often over time. It's really a traditional sort of evil witch/wizard thing.

Prehensile trees restrain dissenters at the Dark Curse site (1.02).

Prehensile roots bind Hansel and Gretel (1.09).

Regina throws guards into the carnivorous hedges in Wonderland; those are presumably Cora's work.

Regina does plant growth of her own to stop pursuit (1.17)

Regina restrains Charming when he threatens to kill her (2.01).

Regina uses the tree to restrain Henry (2.02).

Merlin uses a vine to strangle Snow (5.08).

Magical Wardrobe

Dark Ones appear to have access to a limitless magical wardrobe. Cora and Regina both perform magical clothing changes on less frequent occasion. 

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